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Complete list of publications



Cloutier L., Galiot L., Guay F., Dumas G., Gaillard C., Dourmad JY., Simongiovanni A., Gagnon P. 2024. Impact de l'alimentation de précision en gestation sur la carrière productive de truies nullipares suivies pendant trois parités. 56èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Présentation orale

Ribas C, Quiniou N., Gaillard C. 2024. Détermination des teneurs urinaires en minéraux et biomarqueurs de la minéralisation osseuse chez la truie gestante à partir de prélèvements sur tampons vaginaux. 56èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Poster

Blanc A., Deroiné C., Clouard C., Gaillard C. 2024. Effets d’une alimentation par appel sonore chez les truies gestantes sur leur comportement et bien-être. 56èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Poster

Durand M., Largouët C., Bonneau L., Dourmad JY., Gaillard C. 2024. Prédiction des besoins nutritionnels de truies gestantes à partir de données de capteurs et d’algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique. 56èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Poster

De la Bourdonnaye M., Gaillard C. 2024. Comparaison de méthodes d’estimation du niveau d’activité de truies gestantes à partir d’enregistrements vidéos. 56èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Poster


Durand M., Largouet C., Bonneau de Beaufort L., Dourmad JY., Gaillard C. 2023. Estimation of gestating sows’ welfare status based on machine learning methods and behavioral data. Scientific Reports

Durand M., Largouet C., Bonneau de Beaufort L., Dourmad JY., Gaillard C. 2023 Prediction of the daily nutrient requirements of gestating sows based on sensor data and machine-learning algorithms. Journal of Animal Science, 101, doi: 10.1093/jas/skad337

C. Gaillard, C. Deroiné, M. Misrach, M. Durand. 2023. Effects over time of different types of sounds on gestating sows’ behavior. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 266,

C. Gaillard, J. van Milgen, F. Garcia-Launay, L. Brossard. 2023. Chapter CH07 - Modelling feed requirements for pigs (to optimise feed efficiency). In Advances in pig nutrition (ed. Prof Julian Wiseman).

L. Brossard, J. van Milgen, J.Y. Dourmad, C. Gaillard. 2023. Smart Pig Nutrition in the Digital Era. In: Kyriazakis, I. (eds) Smart Livestock Nutrition. Smart Animal Production, vol 1. Springer, Cham.


Durand M, Largouët C, Bonneau L, Dourmad JY, Gaillard C. 2023. A dataset to study group-housed sows’ individual behaviours and production responses to different short-term events. Animal Open Space, 2

Brossard L, Gaillard C. 2023. Encyclopedia of Smart Agriculture Technologies. Chapter: Precision Feeding of Pigs. Q. Zhang (ed.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 12 pages

C. Gaillard, Ribas C., Durand M. 2023. Invited speaker: Precision feeding, recent advances for gestating sows and dairy cows (abstract number 41572). EAAP, Lyon, France. Session "Precision feeding"


C. Gaillard, Boutinaud M., Sehested J., Guinard-Flament J. 2023. Early prediction of lactation persistency of multiparous cows managed for extended lactation (abstract number 41143). EAAP, Lyon, France. Session "Methods & genomic prediction". Poster

Guinard-Flament J., Hamon A., Decoopman N., Boutinaud M., Gaillard C., Hurtaud C., Gelé M., Mériaux L., Dufour S., Larroque H., Lemosquet S. 2023. Variations in milk lactose content and the mechanisms underlying in dairy cows. ADSA Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Boutinaud M., Gaillard C., Herve L., Dessauge F., Delaby L., Lacasse P., Lollivier V. 2023. Hormonal and nutritional regulations of lactation persistency in dairy cows. ADSA Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Durand M., Largouët C., Bonneau L., Dourmad JY., Gaillard C. 2023. Prediction of daily nutritional requirements of gestating sows based on their behaviour and machine learning methods. ESPHM, 14th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management, Thesaloniki, Greece

M. Durand, JY. Dourmad, A. Julienne, M. Couasnon, C. Gaillard. 2023. Effects of a competitive feeding situation on the behavior and energy requirements of gestation sows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 261

Couasnon M., Gaillard C., Durand M.. 2023. Comportement de truies gestantes lors de la répétition d’une compétition alimentaire. 55èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Poster

Deroiné C., Misrach M., Durand M.,Gaillard C. 2023. Effets à court et moyen terme de différents types de sons sur le comportement de truies gestantes. 55èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Poster

Durand M., Dourmad J.Y., Gaillard C. 2023. Prédiction de l’activité physique journalière de truies gestantes à partir de créneaux ponctuels d’analyse vidéo manuelle. 55èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Poster

Durand M, Largouët C, Bonneau L, Dourmad JY, Gaillard C. 2023. A dataset to study group-housed sows’ individual behaviours and production responses to different short-term events. Animal Open Space

Durand M., Gagnon P., Cloutier L., Dumas G., Guay F., Dourmad J.Y., Gaillard C. 2023. Prédiction de la température corporelle de truies gestantes à l’aide d’une caméra thermique. 55èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 6 pages. Presentation orale

Brossard L, Gaillard C. 2023. Encyclopedia of Smart Agriculture Technologies. Chapter: Precision Feeding of Pigs. Q. Zhang (ed.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 12 pages

Hamelin G., Rohmer T., Boudon A., Gaillard C. 2023. Amélioration d’un outil de détection d’évènements induits ou de santé à l’échelle de plusieurs bandes de truies. 55èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Poster

Galiot L., Cloutier L., Guay F., Dumas G., Gaillard C., Dourmad J.Y., Simongiovanni A., Gagnon P. 2023. Impact de l'alimentation de précision et de la stratégie « bump feeding » en gestation sur les performances et l’état de chair de nullipares suivies pendant deux cycles de gestation et lactation. 55èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Poster



Justine Abarnou, Maëva Durand, Jean-Yves Dourmad, Charlotte Gaillard. 2022. Effects of thermal conditions on gestating sows' behaviors and energy requirements. Journal of Animal Science, 2022, 101, 1–13,

Gaillard C., Boutinaud M., Sehested J., Guinard-Flament J. 2022. Early prediction of lactation persistency of multiparous dairy cows. ISEP, Granada, Spain. Oral presentation


M. Durand, J. Abarnou, A. Julienne, C. Orsini, JY Dourmad, C. Gaillard. 2022. Effect of short-term events on the activity of gestating sows and their nutritional requirements. ISEP, Granada, Spain. Oral presentation

Gaillard, C., Dourmad, J.Y. 2022. Invited presentation: Development of precision feeding strategies for gestating sows. EAAP Porto, Portugal. Session "Feeding sows from weaning to farrowing"

Gaillard, C., Boutinaud, M., Sehested, J., Guinard-Flament, J. 2022. "Variability of lactose in milk and in blood during the first 36 weeks of lactation of dairy cows". EAAP, Porto, Portugal. Session: "Limits to productive performance and welfare in livestock: Physiological evidence and sensing strategies"

M. Durand, J. Abarnou, A. Julienne, C. Orsini, C. Gaillard. 2022. Effect of various short-term events on behaviours of gestating sows. EAAP, Porto, Portugal. Oral presentation


M. Durand, M. Simon, J. Foisil, JY. Dourmad, C. Largouët, C. Gaillard. 2022. Evaluation of the physical activity of a group of gestating sows using an artificial neural network. EAAP, Porto, Portugal. Oral presentation

H.M. Menendez III, J.R. Brennan, C. Gaillard, K. Ehlert, J. Quintana, S. Neethirajan, A. Remus, M. Jacobs, I.A.M.A. Teixeira, B.L. Turner, L. O. Tedeschi. 2022. ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN ANIMAL NUTRITION: Opportunities and Challenges of Confined and Extensive Precision Livestock Production. Journal of Animal Science

M. Jacobs, A. Remus, C. Gaillard, H.M. Menendez III, L. O. Tedeschi, S. Neethirajan, and J.L. Ellis. 2022. ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN ANIMAL NUTRITION: Limitations and potential next steps for modeling and modelers in the Animal Sciences. Journal of Animal Science

Lebreton A., C. Allain, A. Dumesny, E. Leroux, A. Bouqueau, M.P. Etienne, C. Largoüet, C. Gaillard, L. Brossard, Y. Le Cozler, and A. Fischer. 2022. Teaching PLF through “Serious Escape Games” based on 3D-imaging, accelerometer approaches and R programming. ECPLF

Fischer A., Allain C., Dumesny M., Leroux E., Bouqueau A., Etienne M.P., Largouet C., Gaillard C., Brossard L., Le Colzer Y., Lebreton A. 2022.. Des escape games sérieux pour enseigner l’élevage de précision à des étudiants de niveaux ingénieurs et BTS-licence. 26. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants (3R), Dec 2022, Paris, France

Amélie Fischer, Chevalier G., Gaillard.C., Gaudillière N., Gillier M., Jurquet J. 2022. Development and proof the concept of precision feeding for dairy cows. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants (3R), Dec 2022, Paris, France

C. Gaillard, J.Y. Dourmad. 2022. Application of a precision feeding strategy for gestating sows. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 287

Thodberg K., L. Foldager, K.K. Fogsgaard, C. Gaillard, M.S. Herskin. 2022. Temperature conditions during commercial transportation of cull sows to slaughter. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 192

Orsini, C., Durand, M., Gaillard, C. 2022. Effet de l’enrichissement de l’environnement sur le comportement des truies gestantes. Journées Recherche Porcine, 54 (2 pages)


Nizzi, E., Boudon, A., Gaillard, C. 2022. Détection d’évènements sanitaires ou techniques à partir de données individuelles d’abreuvement en truies gestantes. Journées Recherche Porcine, 54 (2 pages)


Abarnou, J., Durand, M., Gaillard, C. 2022. Effet de stress thermiques sur le comportement et les besoins nutritionnels de truies en gestation. Journées Recherche Porcine, 54 (2 pages)


Durand, M., Gaillard, C. 2022. Comportement de truies gestantes en situation de compétition alimentaire. Journées Recherche Porcine, 54 (2 pages)


Lanthony, M., Durand, M., Guérin, C., Gaillard, C., Tallet, C. 2022. Hiérarchie dans les groupes de truies gestantes : méthodes de calcul, caractéristiques et lien avec les données d'alimentation. Journées Recherche Porcine, 54 (6 pages)


M. Durand, C. Largouët, J.-Y. Dourmad, C. Tallet, C. Gaillard. 2021. Alimentation de précision des truies gestantes : prise en compte de la santé, du comportement et de l’environnent. INRAE productions animales, 34 (4), 293-304

J.Y. Dourmad, R. Gauthier, C. Gaillard. 2021. Évolution des concepts nutritionnels et des méthodes d’alimentation des truies reproductrices : historique et perspectives. INRAE productions animales, 34(2), 111-126



C. Gaillard, M. Durand, C. Largouët, J.-Y. Dourmad, and C. Tallet. 2021. Review - Effects of the environment and animal behavior on nutrient requirements for gestating sows: Future improvements in precision feeding. Animal Feed Science and Technology 279:115034. doi:

M. Durand, D; Renaudeau, C. Gaillard. 2021. Use of infrared thermography and rectal thermometer to measure body temperature of gestating sows. EAAP, Davos, Switzerland, oral presentation at session 44 "PLF methods for measuring health, welfare and caring for individual animals"

M. Durand, C. Gaillard. 2021. Effect of feed competition on activity and social behaviour of gestating sows. EAAP, Davos, Switzerland, oral presentation at session 42 "Inclusive livestock nutrition: where we have a trade-off between performance, environmental sustainability and animal welfare" t

C. Gaillard, O. Martin. 2021.Can a virtual cow model help precision feeding in dairy cattle? EAAP, Davos, Switzerland, oral presentation at session 72 "Methods and technologies for research and smart nutrition management in dairy and beef cattle"


C. Gaillard, M. Durand. 2021. Effect of sudden noises on gestating sows’ behaviour. EAAP, Davos, Switzerland, oral presentation at session 58 "Animal behaviour: from horses to hens"

C. Gaillard, A. Julienne, J.Y. Dourmad. 2021. Comportement alimentaire des truies en gestation recevant une alimentation de précision. Journées Recherche Porcine, 53, 01-202


C. Gaillard, R. Gauthier, J.Y. Dourmad. 2020. Gestating sows’ feeding behaviour with precision feeding. EAAP virtual meeting, oral presentation at session "PLF for saving feed". Book of abstracts p. 112


C. Gaillard, N. Quiniou, R Gauthier, L. Cloutier, J Dourmad. 2020. Evaluation of a decision support system for precision feeding of gestating sows1. Journal of Animal Science, 98:1-12. doi: 10.1093/jas/skaa255

C. Gaillard, L. Brossard, J.Y. Dourmad. 2020. Review: Improvement of feed and nutrient efficiency in pig production through precision feeding. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 268

L. Foldager, C. Gaillard, M. T. Sorensen, T. Larsen, E. Matthew, R. O’Flaherty, F. Carter, M.A. Crowe, C. Grelete, M. Salavatif, M. Hostensg, GplusE Consortium, K.L. Ingvartsen, M. A. Krogh. 2020. Predicting physiological imbalance in Holstein dairy cows by three different sets of milk biomarkers. Preventive Veterinary Medicine


C. Gaillard, R. Gauthier, L. Cloutier, J.Y. Dourmad. 2019. Exploration of individual variability to better predict the nutrient requirements of gestating sows. Journal of Animal Science, 97:4934–4945

J. Sehested, C. Gaillard, J. Lehmann, G. Maciel, M. Vestergaard, M.R. Weisbjerg, T. Kristensen. 2019. Review: Extended lactation in dairy cattle. Animal, 13(S1), S65-S74. doi:10.1017/S1751731119000806

R. Gauthier, C. Largouët, C. Gaillard, L. Cloutier, F. Guay, J.Y. Dourmad. 2019. Dynamic modeling of nutrient use and individual requirements of lactating sows. Journal of Animal Science, 97(7):2822–2836 doi: 10.1093/jas/skz167

R. Gauthier, C. Largouët, C. Gaillard, L. Cloutier, F. Guay, J.Y. Dourmad. 2019. Modélisation dynamique de l'utilisation des nutriments et des besoins individuels chez la truie en lactation. Journées Recherche Porcine, 51, 117-122

C. Gaillard, R. Gauthier, J.Y. Dourmad. 2019. Mineral precision feeding for gestating sows. EAAP Ghent, Belgium, oral presentation session 46 Innovative approaches (competition)

C. Gaillard, R. Gauthier, J.Y. Dourmad. 2019. Variability in gestating sows’ nutrient requirements. EAAP Ghent, Belgium, Invited speakker, session 50 Sow and gilt nutrition


C. Gaillard, H. S. Bhatti, M. Novoa-Garrido, V. Lind, M. Y. Roleda, M. R. Weisbjerg. 2018. Amino acid profiles of nine seaweed species and their in situ degradability in dairy cows. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 241:210-222

C. Gaillard, M.T. Sørensen, M.Vestergaard, M.R. Weisbjerg, M. K. Larsen, H. Martinussen, U. Kidmose, J. Sehested. 2018. Effect of substituting barley with glycerol as energy feed on feed intake, milk production and milk quality in dairy cows in mid or late lactation. Livestock Science, 209:25-31


C. Gaillard, M.T. Sørensen, M.Vestergaard, M.R. Weisbjerg, A. Basar, M. K. Larsen, H. Martinussen, U. Kidmose, J. Sehested. 2017. Effect of substituting soybean meal and canola cake with grain based DDGS on two dietary crude protein levels on feed intake, milk production and milk quality in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 100:8928-8938


C. Gaillard, M.T. Sørensen, M.Vestergaard, M.R. Weisbjerg, A. Basar, M. K. Larsen, H. Martinussen, U. Kidmose, J. Sehested. 2017. Effect of substituting soybean meal and canola cake with grain based DDGS as protein feed on feed intake, milk production and milk quality in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 100:7980-7989

K. Thodberg, K.K. Fogsgaard, C. Gaillard, H.S. Herskin. 2017. Changes in scratches and skin elasticity in cull sows after transport to the abattoir ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting & Trade Show in Baltimore, MD.


M.S. Herskin, K.K. Fogsgaard, D. Erichsen, M. Bonnichsen, C. Gaillard, K. Thodberg. 2017. Housing of cull sows in the hours before transport to the abattoir – An initial description of sow behaviour while waiting in a transfer vehicule. Animals, 7:1-8


C. Gaillard, O. Martin, P. Blavy, N. Friggens, J. Sehested, H. Phuong. 2016. Prediction of the reproductive lifetime performance of Holstein cows managed for different durations, using a model of lifetime nutrient partitioning. Journal of Dairy Science, 99:9126-9135

C. Gaillard, K.K. Fogsgaard, K. Thodberg, H.S. Herskin. 2016. Variation of a temperature-humidity index in the truck transporting sows to slaughter. ESLAV-ECLAM Annual Scientific Meeting on Animal Welfare, Lyon, France

H.S. Herskin, K.K. Fogsgaard, D. Erichsen, M. Bonnichsen, C. Gaillard, K. Thodberg. 2016. Housing of culled sows in the hours before transport top the abattoir - description of sows behavior while waiting in a pick-up vehicule. ESLAV-ECLAM Annual Scientific Meeting on Animal Welfare, Lyon, France

C. Gaillard, H.N. Phuong, P. Blavy, J. Sehested. 2016 Simulations to define the optimum lifetime management for Holstein cows. Book of abstracts of the 67th Annual meeting of the European Federation for Animal Science, Belfast, UK

C. Gaillard, M. Vestergaard, J. Sehested. 2016. Voluntarily delayed rebreeding and double insemination effects on pregnancy rates of Holstein cows. Book of abstracts of the 67th Annual meeting of the European Federation for Animal Science, Belfast, UK

G. Maciel, N. Poulsen, M. Larsen, U. Kidmose, C. Gaillard, J. Sehested, L. Larsen. 2016. Good sensory quality and cheesemaking properties in milk from Holstein cows managed for 18 months calving interval. Journal of Dairy Science, 99:8524-8536

C. Gaillard, J. Sehested and M. Vestergaard. 2016. Effects of delayed insemination and double insemination technique on the reproductive performance of Holstein cows. Accepted in Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A, 5:64-68


C.Gaillard. 2016. PhD Thesis. Extended lactation and feeding strategies. 173 pages


C. Gaillard, H. Barbu, H. Callesen, M. T. Sørensen, J. Sehested, M. Vestergaard. 2016. Milk yield and estrus behavior during eight consecutive estruses of Holstein cows grouped according to live weight change in early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 99:3134:3143


C. Gaillard, N. C. Friggens, M. Taghipoor, M. R. Weisbjerg, J. O. Lehmann, J. Sehested. 2016. Effects of an individual weight-adjusted feeding strategy in early lactation on milk production of Holstein cows during extended lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 99:2221:2236


J. O. Lehmann, J. G. Fadel, L. Mogensen, T. Kristensen, C. Gaillard, and E. Kebreab. 2016. Effect of calving interval and parity on milk yield per feeding day in Danish commercial dairy herds. Journal of Dairy Science, 99:621-33


C. Gaillard, M. Vestergaard, M. R. Weisbjerg, J. Sehested. 2016. Effects of individualized feeding strategy in early lactation on indicators of energy balance in Holstein cows managed for extended lactation. Animal, 10:633-642



C. Gaillard, M. Vestergaard, J. Sehested. 2015. Effects of estrus number on milk yield and estrus expression in Holstein cows managed for extended lactation. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2, p. 383


C. Gaillard, N.C. Friggens, M.R. Weisbjerg, J. Sehested. 2015. Carry-over effect of an individual feeding strategy on milk production of Holstein cows managed for extended lactation. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2, p 286


O. Martin, C. Gaillard, J. Sehested, N.C. Friggens. 2015. Using a dairy cow model to interpret in vivo individual data and to upscale results at herd level through in silico experiments. Book of abstracts of the 66th Annual meeting of the European Federation for Animal Science, Warsow, Poland, vol 21, p.301


C. Gaillard, T. Kristensen, J. Sehested. 2015. Extended lactation strategies. DCA Report, vol 60, 48-57.



C. Gaillard, J. Sehested. 2014. Forlænget laktation - effekt af brunst på mælkeproduktion. Ny KvægForskning, Vol. 4, Nr. 12, s.2-3.


C. Gaillard, M. Vestergaard, M.R. Weisbjerg, J. Sehested. 2014. Effect of individualized feeding strategy on plasma indicators of energy balance in Holstein cows during the 12 first weeks of lactation. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production, vol. 30, p. 80.


C. Gaillard, M. Vestergaard, M.R. Weisbjerg, J. Sehested. 2014. Effect of individualized feeding strategy on milk production of Holstein cows. European Association for Animal Production. Annual Meeting, Copenhaguen, Denmark. Book of Abstracts, Vol. 20,p. 103.


C. Gaillard, R.K. Meagher, M.A.G. von Keyserlingk, D.M. Weary. 2014. Social Housing Improves Dairy Calves’ Performance in Two Cognitive Tests. PLoS ONE, 9(2): e90205. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090205



J.W. Christensen, L.P. Ahrendt, R. Lintrup, C. Gaillard, R. Palme, J. Malmkvist. 2012. Does learning performance in horses relate to fearfulness, baseline stress hormone and social rank? Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 140, 44-52


H. Roy, C. Gaillard, P. Grelier, R. Monteville, E. Turmeau. Mai-juin 2012. Eau de boisson : un traitement au cas par cas. TechPorc, n°5, 31-33.

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